Saturday, June 22, 2024

Just An Update 2024

 The last time I posted here was year 2019 and until now year 2024 don't have any article or any short novella in my mind but have to update this blog or it might be removed by the staff of the Great, Great BLOGGER who I don't know anymore who is the founder. My other blogs that were created by me in 2005 and haven't updated were removed abruptly. Oh well.  Sad, sad life.

When I first started my blogs here at BLOGGER, the founder was Mr. Matt Haughey but sold the website to Google owned by Sergey Brin & Larry Page. So I guess it was owned now by Google, eh?

Matt Haughey decided to concentrate on another website known as Wordpress and Twitter.

BLOGGER is still the most sought-after free blogging site and still stronger and the BEST of THE BEST than other web blogs in the internet.

BLOGGER had side by side with Yahoo blogs for several years until Yahoo shutdown their YAHOO 360 blog site or website and ask their loyal patrons to move to BLOGGER, Wordpress or Her Blog, Multiply or that other website I forgot the name, sorry.

So this is it for now. 

I would post the latest short novel maybe before Christmas if I have enough time.

Ciao! Have a nice day people!!🙌🙏🙋💁

Friday, July 19, 2019

To V or Not To V That Is The Question

I want to begin with FIVE DAYS IN TOKYO novelette here on this blog format. I had written in my notebook. However, would it be safe not to be stolen through the internet? Or sold to anybody?

I don't have a clue. I want to use all my five senses including my ESP. But what the hell maybe use this blog as baits. Too many baits here to catch the criminals.

Five days in Tokyo seemed to be right fit with the upcoming Olympic Games 2020.

Anyway, not in the mood to open that yet.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Last Message

Would you like an ORANGE instead? Because RED is for an APPLE. I hate to blogpost this message although there is a time wherein I need to stop netnovela-writing. It is not only time consuming but also unhealthy. It is unhealthy for my vision. The only allowed allocated time to focus your eye in front of the computer is just an hour or two. What happened to your eyes and your vision will soon to affect your focus and your brain capacity to absorb things will eventually hurt your thinking. I don't like to discourage the many (as in millions) of people trying to make a living through computer (via internet) however my own experience with prolong exposure to the computer and its monitor screen can impair vision. You know what I'm saying right? Computer users are literate there's no doubt about it. Anyway, I have so much time, enough time to have written so many stories which are vital to anyone who wants to read my stories here. My blogs are also comprehensible. Anybody who can communicate in English and in Pilipino (Tagalog) knows why I'm here and what I've been doing in the past five years of my life. Yeah been busy writing and blogging. Doing the things and stuff I love to do.

Care to read my Net Novela if you like but please do not copy them without my permission.




2. WIT and HUMOR
7. INK Atbp

P.S. There is so much you'll learn from those blogs and novela. Young people have so much to learn from old people like me. If I were should not waste your time. You should study real hard and find better employment so that you can afford anything and everything in this world. With higher education you can gain the good reputation and dignity that is worthy and without a doubt that your parents can be proud of.

To the hackers? Please be conscientious. I pray that you'll have enough courage and conscience to do what is right.

AND the chase is non-stop. The HUNTING and FISHING never stop.


E. Verna Turner

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Spirit Of Verona - Page 37

Author: E. Verna Turner
Page 37

Grandma Olivia ushered Jenna to the chapel to pray, the rest of the elders followed and together, pray with them. Nobody wants to eat. Nobody wants to have supper but they all assembled this time at the table, sitting on bamboo chairs , staring at the food until they all get cold; when the men arrived without Loren in sight... Silence, long silence, nobody wants to talk, Jenna was distraught and frantic crying at her Mother Josephine beside her. Hours passed by...Grandma Olivia stand up and about to scold everyone but sudden strange noise, tired almost exhausted breathing of an animal, the sound of the twigs and branches of trees being broken, the steps become louder and louder. They all looked behind them and amazed of a beautiful horse, white as snow, its hair glitters and sparkle almost glows in the dark. It was a radiant creature. And Loren was riding this thoroughbred,  a mix -Arab thoroughbred!

The kid's face lightened up in awe of how the adventure of Loren up there in the tunnel and how he was able to compete with the white horse who was speeding as if in a race with the train. Loren's wife Jenna lovingly embraced her husband whose face, arms, hands and legs have bruises all over. Bianca, being a doctor and only with the right medication for his bruises treated Loren with care.

"You risk your life for that four legged creature!" How could you do that to yourself and to us?" Juanita scolded her son.

"Mother! I need this horse for my work at the farm." "This thoroughbred is great for racing but I have no choice but we need this horse anyway. "You need an animal you can use to travel in this island. We cannot go walk and run here all the time." Loren told his Mother.

It's true. If only buffaloes are faster and easy to get along with. Besides the horse has its defense for reliability, runs fast, strong and robust. It's endurance to long journey or travel to any parts of the island. Horse is patient and can serve his master faithfully.

Loren named his horse, "Spyro." Even the kids love the name.

"Spyro? I like the name Spyro!" Tamara said in excitement. For her it's another kind of game trivia.

Mila touched the horse's sturdy crest, shoulder and barrel. Stared at the hooves and flank and exclaimed, " this horse is quite extra ordinary!"

"You are lucky to have this horse. It must be a sought-after trophy horse! Poor owner losing his horse!" Jameson uttered with a hint of jealousy.

"Can I ride your horse once in a while when you're not using it for farming?" Cade asked Loren.

"Sure!" "But you know what's my plan?" Loren added that he wants to build a cart or sled that the horse can pull to gather live stocks and farm goods from the island and you kids can ride in there. Isn't that fun?" Loren laughed at the idea. All of them have  hearty laughter that only the birds, the chicken, the rabbits, the peacock, turkeys, the monkeys, komodo dragons, snakes and the many wild animals can hear.

----------------------------------END OF PART  ONE ---------------------------------------------------------

PART TWO will be posted SPRING TIME of 2012 ------------------Thank You!------------------------

-------------------------Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!-----------------------------------------------

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Spirit Of Verona - Page 36

Author: E. Verna Turner
Page 36

The teens and children didn't wait for Loren to come out from the cave they hurriedly informed the elders of their find. They were screaming with excitement and thrilled to tell their story but what is fascinating about the headline is alarming including the date it was published.

"This couldn't be happening. This is not real." Olivia blurted out.

Everyone looked at the newspapers. They have copies of the news in Variety, Herald, New York Times, different magazines from different countries featuring the scope and scoop of the war in Italy. Then the news about the Death March. After the Mussolinis were deposed in 1943, the war World War II started. The Monarchy was abolished in Italy and then they keep an eye on the date of publication of that news which is Year 1960. All the news published in the newspapers are old.

"This can't be true!! Grandma said. We are only here at the island for about five years.

"Yeah, I think the news are surreal!" "It's impossible that the order of things gets complicated." Bianca said in a low tone voice. Not trying to argue. She was tired and sleepy from the night's vigil listening to the radio.

Jenna arrived at the group's circle only to find out that Loren's missing. She asked the girls and the boys who went inside the cave.

"What?! You went to the cave?" Grandpa yelled at them and scold them for their disobedience. "I told you not to there and you all disobeyed me."

Jenna started crying. The elders were nervous and trembling. Juanita and Elmo gripped with anxiety and about to cry . Elmo asked the men to go with him inside the cave to find his one and only son. Grandma Olivia told the girls to stay with her while they pray inside the chapel. Hours have passed by and no Loren and the men who went inside the cave to search for him haven't come back yet.

Amelia and Stephano and their children Joseph and Melinda cooked and served food at the table. They knew today was the longest day ever. The waiting game...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Spirit Of Verona - Page 35

Author: E. Verna Turner
Page 35

The conversation continues till dawn. Jenna was awake, asleep and then awaken again by the loud laughter of the kids. Though she's happy about the good news, her mind is on her pregnancy. She too would like her baby to see the light of day back in her hometown. Loren frowned at the idea.

Few hours passed by. The teens, the kids, and then Loren left the house. The elders are still listening to the radio broadcast at the chapel. They saw their grandparents sleeping, but Panfilo, Bianca, Juanita, Elmo, Arthur, Josephine, and Amelia are wide awake.

Armed with the same weapons: hunting gear,  long rope, complete with their outfit designed for spelunking they traveled to the route going to the cave. This time their plan is to wait for the train and go further where they can trace new result.

Joselito and Melinda tied the rope to the biggest tree close to the cave's entrance, the rest of the rope the teens have to use it going inside the cave. With more kerosene lamp and  flashlight  they can see clearly what's inside the cave. This time hundreds of bats were nestled upward the ceiling, there are stalactites and stalagmites. Stench odors, stinky smelly odor of birds and bats that the girls vomited uncontrollably. Tamara and Melinda, and Jolina preferred to be at the main entrance instead while Joselito went with the group.

"Be careful in there! There are slippery slopes there down the aisle." Loren warned them. "That's the reason why our hands are to have a grip on the rope." "Also watch for quick sand."

Frightened about those terrifying ordeal, the kids are more than careful, they are treading the other side of the cave with so many partitions or divisions. The cave has too many open doors. They should all be going in one direction. You have your mask use them so that the you can resist the odor. Then suddenly loud scream was heard behind them. Rosalee stumbled  on something slippery. Turned out there are  leeches, slugs and wild rats roaming that area. Despite of the hassles they continued their spelunking up to 35 meters. They heard the girls at the entrance yelled to them if they are okay. Then they echoed back that they are alright.

"Wait! Stop here!" Loren told the group. This time there is an air vent that air is coming through that dark zone. They lifted their kerosene lamp and shouted,  "Bingo! there's the railway track."

They waited for a while, minutes, half an hour passed by when they heard a rushing sound. The sound is quite different from the first train they saw the first time they've been into that cave. Before anyone could utter a word the train passed by them in such a quick swift force. That they were unable to stand up. They were like suspended and in awe. Then multiple pieces of paper were left behind coming from the train, slapped on their face, the rest of the papers were scattered on the ground. Tons of them that the railway track is heavy with debris.

"What the hell is that?!!! That really shocked me! " Eric shouted. Mila and Rosalee started picking up those papers one by one. The guys helped picked them up too when all of a sudden another strange swift entity came running towards them. It gallops and made such a rather mystifying sound and runs away quick flash as lightning. All they can see towards the railway track was Loren trying to catch the robust animal. Joselito, Eric, Joseph followed Loren but unable to run after them. They stopped and told, "It's okay! We can't outsmart the power of the  horse!" "It has four legs."

Tired and sleepy the kids went back where the girls are and tried to pick up some other papers on the track. Mila raised her kerosene lamp and read what's on it. "Oh my ! It's a newspaper!!!!"  "War is Over! It's really over!!!" They run towards the inside of the cave away from the tunnel, away from the track and meet the girls at the exit/ entrance of the cave and joyfully gave the newspapers to their elders at the chapel.