Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chapter 9 - Cracker Jack Lobster - Geckoway

Cracker Jack: Jesus! I have seen jumping beans. But beans walking? It's weird.

They all had so much fun laughing out loud. Having no means of transportation to find the location of the Emperor's kingdom they seemed at lost.

Jake: I'm hungry, thirsty and tired. How long is the kingdom of the Tokugawa?

"I have my compass and telescope we can figure that out. Plus of course the map," informed Cracker jack.

Too bad they all got frustrated when they found out that the Sun rises in the West not in the East. The North is the South, the South becomes the Northern part of the Earth especially in that unknown area.

Jake: This is too much for me to take.

Waldo: You have bottled water right? Drink it to quench your thirst.

One by one, each one of them are losing their patience. Not only they feel dizzy, nausea and the head spinning headache bothers them, they were also dis-oriented.

Jerry: I am getting tired of this mission. Almost like a never-ending story.

Waldo: Is that the kind of words, nonsense I have to hear from a psychologist like you?

The group can't see anything but beans around them. There is no mountain, no hills.It's flat, the land is flattened with soya beans and other variety of beans.

After hours of roaming the area, a green scaly creature appeared in front of them.

Henry: Oh my God! It's a giant gecko!!!!!!

Gecko: It's okay, don't panic guys. (His red eyes shining like a monster but his voice is a bit flirtitious) Can I butt in?

The eleven elite squad replied all at once. At first they thought they were all having hallucination of some kind.

The green gecko with great big set of red eyes started dancing in front of them. Then walked gracefully towards Cracker Jack.

Green Gecko: (He pointed his index finger on Cracker jack's chest and arm and said) I know why you are here for. You are in search for the golden ivory, am I correct?

Cracker jack: You are correct! Absolutely. Do you know where the Kingdom or empire of Toyotami?

Green gecko: I can lead you to his kingdom but...on one condition

Cracker jack: What is that? Tell me

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