There was an old, old man named Jack Lobster. He was better known as Cracker Jack. He stands 5 ft. tall + 9 inches. He had a long beard down to his knees. He's got two fluffy ears, two big hazel eyes and long brown curly hair.
Cracker Jack is a wizard, a poet, a great storyteller. A nature lover, the town crier, and a clown. Almost everyone loves him, except the mayor of the town. For him he is the enemy of the state and of the church.
Cracker Jack Lobster was born in Acadia, Nova Scotia. He was the only child of A wood cutter named Werner, and his mother Velynda, a laundrywoman.
The setting: 16th Century B.C.
Jack's childhood is best remembered being chubby and bubbly. He loves to talk at a very early age. The whole family and clan enjoyed his bubbly spirit. He is the joy, the source of happiness. He asked too many questions most of which he answered them so quickly even before the members of the family and clan could ever heard. It's not that they are deaf or hard of hearing but this young child is quick to a draw. He is fast and quick to reply.
Cracker Jack loves helping his Mother with the laundry. He used to hang the clothes on a clothesline reaching up to the Bay of Fundy. You may wonder how long that is. Clothes they used to hang belonging from the wealthy families of Acadia. On spare time he loves to help his Mother gathered fruits such as: apples, peaches, cherries, oranges and berries from their orchard.
Jack grew up to be such a wonderful smart kid. He enjoyed reading different kinds of books that his father brought home after selling the firewood in the public market.
In 16th Century B.C. books are costly. Only the aristocrats can afford books, textbooks, and the many hard bound books made by the monks most especially the Gutternberg. Werner worked so hard to be able for him to buy books even if they are old so that they can home tutored their only son.
The books that Werner can afford are old books that were then revised by the original authors. Books that were about to be destroyed or be burned by the monks at the monastery. Those books are still valuable for his son no matter what.
Werner befriended one of the monks at the monastery. Gilles, the monk who heard about Jack's would like to teach him the way of the monk so that he can follow his footsteps. Gilles was an orphan and knowing Cracker Jack and his family lead him to believe that there is family who are willing to learn the knowledge of divine spirit.
The way of the monk is quiet, peaceful. It's about kindness, compassion, charity and self -discipline. Gilles learned so much wisdom while being in the monastery and that he wants to influence little Jack.
At age 15, Cracker Jack grew up to be a very handsome young man. A man of wisdom at a very young age. He studied Philosophy, Theology, Astronomy, and basic Alchemy. In sports he indulged in Archery, Axe technique similar to target shooting. He also practiced sword fighting together with his childhood friends.
Jack was very popular in Acadia, winning so many titles and awards in sports, poetry, and other skills that required thinking.
When the news story of Cracker Jack reached the mayor of the city of Elefante, he summoned his guards to ask Cracker Jack if he could pay him a visit. Obediently the guards followed the mayor's order.
The guards arrived at the scene where Jack was busy fixing his boat made from Baobab tree. A strange type of boat with square-rigged sails. The ropes are all over the place that one of the guards almost tripped upside down. Good grief Jack was able to to help him balance his step.
The guard gave the message in a piece of paper sealed with a certain kind of red wax on the envelope. As soon as Jack read the message with the big bold letters U R G E N T, he hurriedly bid goodbye to his parents and moved on forward to meet the mayor of the next city after Acadia.
Title: Cracker Jack Lobster (And the bunch of merry- makers)
Author: E. Verna Turner
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