In the middle of the night of that fatal December month, cold and with a heavy heart Signorina Bianca and her family and clan have to leave right away. The fascist movement are getting unruly and creating so much troubles on the street, on the roads, and the villages are being burned down. Panfilo Russo was seen rushing to the house made of stones and bricks and ushered his family to get ready as soon as possible. Together with their six children they hurriedly board their family yacht. The rest of the clan boarded with them. As their yacht were sailing fast speeding to the horizon beneath the waves in a very dark water all they can see from the shore, from the island are so much chaos. Loud noises, canons blasting, houses on fire. There were loud screaming and yelling. The loud blasting and wild pandemonium couldn't help Bianca's tears flowing uncontrollably down her cheeks to her neck and her family embraced her tightly and cried with her. "Don't look back," Panfilo told her. "I think... you and the women and children should stay in the cabin and all the men, the robust men will stay here and take care of everything," he advised and commanded the clan to stay calm also and everything will be alright.
It was a long journey. Sailing through the Pacific ocean is a daring escape. Only the braves and the well experienced can tread on this water. But there is no other choice. Leaving the life, affluent life they once enjoyed in Italy is joyous however when another kind of government is taking over then it's time to leave. It's time to save their lives, their skin from slavery.
Panfilo Russo once in while checked the engine and commanded Arthur Keeping and Stephano Millan to have watchful eyes. He need their sharp vision and alertness. Grandpa Gustavo is already old but his sharp mind and his knowledge about the map, geology and use of navigation devices is worthy of help to their survival. Of course Gustavo's wisdom is a sure winner. We need Grandpa for his wit and his religious belief that keep their family pray together, stay together. Religiously, they are family of devoted Catholics.
There are too many hindrances to survive along the treacherous Pacific ocean. There are lots of sharks, schools and multitudes of them. There are typhoon and hopefully no tornado. There can be giant rays, and dolphins and tuna. Tuna, the bluefin tuna is a surprise meal for them not sharks.
His children hated sharks so much and no matter what they read from old books of a bowl of shark's fin is not that impressive. Sharks are cold blooded. Just the smell of a tint of blood can make them wild and circle through its prey. No way that they be a meal for these wilds.
While all the women and children were inside the cabin, fast asleep trying to sleep actually despite the many unfavorable circumstances that they've been through and all the men up there above the cabin watching the sail and the unknown route their boat will pass through. Then suddenly wild waves sent in turbulent motion, tossing and sloshing the boat as if they were in a hammock. One of the children screamed, " Mamaaaaaaaaa I don't want to die yet!" Sobbing and crying the rest of the women cannot help screamed and asked for assistance from the men. But the men cannot hear their loud cry for help. There was a big storm and cold water splashing the boat, tossing it to the right and left side of the ocean water. The men were able to maneuver the stirring wheel and have the boat away from the oncoming turbulent wind. Shattering loud noises were heard and the gushing water started to fill in through the open haul of the boat.
Nerve-wrecking situation lead the whole clan in panic. They escaped the fascist nazis but they think they wont be able to escape nature's fury of the Pacific storm.
Written by: E. VERNA TURNER
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