Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Spirit Of Verona - Page 21

Author : E. Verna Turner
Page 21

The whole family, the whole clan waited impatiently  for the special announcement from Juanita and Elmo Torres.

"My wife Juanita and I would like to let you know that it's the 30th birthday of our son Loren," Elmo said.

"Ohhh...Happy birthday Loren! ))))) the whole clan replied in chorus as if there's an echo. Elmo continued what he was saying and then, " on his 30th birthday we decided it's best also to announce his engagement with one of the daughter's of the Keeping's family."

More ohhs and ahhhss can be heard within the congregation at the chapel. They wonder who is the lucky girl. Could it be Jenna or Rosalee. They are both gorgeous and at the right age for marriage. So they waited, and waited who could it be, who could be the bride for the Torres only one son. They have no daughter, they only have a son. The clan is not quite sure whether who is Jenna and Rosalee, they are identical twins and they always wear the same kind of clothing. They have the same attitude and mannerism.

When Juanita asked, " Jenna dear will you please stand up and come closer here in front beside us?"

"Oh it was Jenna!" Joseph was heard loudly and giggled like a little girl. Melinda pinched his brother's waist for being so annoying.

"Shhhhh! with eyes widened with disgust, Grandma Olivia waved a hand on those two naughty kids at the back of her seat.

"Keep quiet children." Amelia told the kids." You are messing up the solemn rites of engagement.

More long speech heard from the Torres family and short speech from Jenna and from Josephine and Arthur Keeping.

The whole clan gave the Torres family and Keeping's family a big applause for the wonderful sharing of gospel for that day.  After the Sunday mass each one of them shook hands with Loren and Jenna and congratulate both of them. One by one feels the excitement. The elders congratulate the future bride and groom. They proceeded to the beach and have their Sunday picnic get-together. Two occasions to celebrate that day: birthday and engagement. It was a total bliss.

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