Saturday, March 21, 2009

BOOK CHAT Chapter 7 - The Book

The Book Chat opens at a very early morning. Earlier than usual. Veronica has the unusual energy to look after her bookstore which is of course a good thing. For the past three hours she had about 15 customers and ten of them bought "new arrival" books from the counter. How happy she is can prominently seen from her radiant smile.

She's about to take a good rest behind the counter when a young couple arrived. She welcomed the couple with a pleasing word " Hello!" The couple just said hello also and continued browsing through the narrow aisle where shelves of books are located.

Veronica let them have more time to find what they are looking for before she asked them what they really want or what they are in search of. That's showing politeness. Giving customers the chance to view and see first then if they really want something they will ask and that's how to offer your help or support.

One thing that really get the customers pissed off is when sales clerks followed customers like as if they are like dogs haunting and hunting them for something. Being courteous is what every individual needs in times of buying and selling. Never ever be rude to your clients for you never really know what's the purpose why they were there in the first place. Although being alert as a clerk is still an option. The clerk or sales person's duty is to sell products. You are not selling yourself. That's the main goal. SELL THE PRODUCT NOT YOURSELF.

Later, the young couple seemed tired in their search. They approached Veronica.

Veronica: May I help you?

The Couple (Man): We're looking for the latest book about Merlin and King Arthur. Any story about those two characters would be of help to my kid's term paper in school.

Veronica: There are several books about Merlin and King Arthur. Hollywood even made so many movies about them. Since you are looking for the "latest" I would suggest a book written by Jane Yolen. The story is not even been heard or touch by the movie sectors. So I think this is something new.

Woman: Really? What book is that?

Veronica: The book is entitled " The Sword Of The Rightful King." In this book the characters are depicted vividly and more enchanting roles for Merlin.

The Couple: Great! That's what we really want for my kids.

The Couple purchased four books with the same title. Veronica mumbled a bit. She was surprised why they are getting four books instead of one. She doesn't want being nosy. If they want four books then they can have it. The couple paid the books urgently. Just as Veronica gave them the receipt the couple said goodbye. They were in a hurry. She wonder why. What she noticed when the couple left the bookstore, there was a $50.00 bill inside the tip jar.

"Oh my God!" "Is that a joke? " They gave me $50 for a tip?" Veronica was a bit surprised. Actually more than surprised. It was shocking. They are probably super rich and tipping that big amount of money is sort of nothing to them.

Anyway Veronica knew that their kids will surely enjoy reading a good stunning, smart and mysterious novel written by Jane Yolen.

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