Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Twenty One - Along Came A Butterfly

After almost three hours of travel from where we had a picnic we decided to stop by at the nearest gasoline station to fill up the Van and the Winnebago's gas tank. What can I say? The price of gasoline is tremendously expensive. Unbelievable! I almost faint in disbelief. Although I cannot show my facial expression to the rest of the crews. I don't like disappointing their vacation. Their holiday vacation! For some of them this long driving experience is one of a kind and it just happened to them just now. I mean it's their first experience of being in a long journey in the main interior of BC as in being away from the island.

As our tour convoy progressed to the next highway up along two tunnels passing the Fraser valley and the canyon trails even down to the Hells Gate where there is a very narrow steep road ahead. We had our sight-seeing for a while then moved on to the next lane. On the next intersection a middle aged woman stopped us with a small billboard sign asking for help. Their car had a flat tire and they don't have an extra tire to replace it. Good that we have a "Fix It Kit" and let them borrow so that they can fix it or hand them the extra tire we had in the compartment. The couple extended their heartfelt gratitude for the extra tire that we had. The lady said she was having a headache too because they were there stranded for sometime and nobody's helping her. So I offered if she wants tylenol or advil capsule? The lady smiled and took the pain reliever medication.

On the road again and up to the place called Butterfly World. As usual more souvenir photos followed. Tee shirts with beautiful stunning designs adorned the souvenir shop. Lots of postcards and framed pictures of butterfly and other bugs on the wall.

We had a visit to their garden full of flora, shrubs and trees. The garden is covered with a huge net so that the fluterring, dancing creatures in multitude species of butterfly can't get away from outside the net.

All the girls bought t-shirts which are made of 100 % cotton. Some of them bought post cards. I bought a butterfly placed inside the globe shaped glass. It was absolutely beautiful! Athena, Mara, Katy and Claire bought set of stationary (pads and envelope with dainty embossed designs of butterflies). Imee and Amber bought mugs and pens with logo.

We're all inside the Butterfly shop unknowingly about the time. We left the shop before it closed down for the night as we're all fascinated with the creatures flying around us. Hundred thousands of them. Caterpillars crawling on the stem unto the leaves. The pupa and the chrysalis. The stages of the butterfly from being an egg to a blossoming butterfly as it emerges from its cocoon....

Suddenly the girls noticed Mattelda's face turning awfully glittery in discoloration..

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